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Possibility of a Trivia Game

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Possibility of a Trivia Game

Post by Admin »

Hi all.

For those of you who have been around long enough to remember, we used to have a trivia game going on. In short, one person would ask a question, and someone would post back with the correct answer (and that person would ask the next question once their question is verified correct). Some time ago the game was suspended due to lack of well as people asking a question, then not showing their face for DAYS, or even WEEKS, and holding up the game.

Over the last few months we have had several new "regular" members join the forum, so I want to see if there is any interest in starting up another game. I would be willing to give it a shot if the interest is there, but it would be much more strict than the old version. For example, if you delay the game for days because you do not ask a new question, or do not acknowledge that someone answered your question correctly, you will be banned from the game. I won't lie, I held up the old game for a few days once or twice myself...but in any new game that will not be tolerated.

Here is a link to the old game.

Any input is appreciated (either post here, or send me a PM). Me posting this does not guarantee that I will start up a new game, but if there are several forum members COMMITTED to the game (all it takes is checking in once every day or two...nothing time consuming or anything) I am willing to entertain the possibility of a "2009 ALF Trivia Game."
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Re: Possibility of a Trivia Game

Post by Jessica »

Yeah, that would be fun! :)
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Re: Possibility of a Trivia Game

Post by Alf=Funny »

That would be awesome!
Alf Rox
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Re: Possibility of a Trivia Game

Post by Admin »

Sorry for those that are interested, but there will not be enough people to sustain a trivia game at this time. Perhaps in the future we can think about it again...sorry :(
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