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Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING!

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Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING!

Post by Admin »

Due to a couple recent problems I would like to take a moment to post a few forum guidelines. These are all "common sense" for the most part, but feel that putting them in writing will help prevent future problems. This is a terrific community we have here and just want to make sure it stays that way.

In general we will leave it to you the community, to police yourselves. Treat others with respect. Remember that this is a public venue read by many people spanning all walks of life. If you question a post please use the ‘report this post’ icon in the lower right hand corner.

Please understand that we are not attempting to censor any messages or opinions posted, but this is a moderated discussion forum. We simply want to preserve the spirit of an open, interactive discussion without offending participants. This means that we reserve the right to edit/remove inappropriate messages, or to lock a discussion thread. Before taking any of these actions, a moderator/administrator will attempt to steer the discussion back to the topic, if this is possible and appropriate. The additional step of editing or deleting a post will only be taken in appropriate circumstances; again, the intent is not to censor legitimate discussion or to change the meaning of any post. If we edit a post and you do not like the changes please feel free to notify us and we will delete your post. Examples of posts that may be edited or deleted include posts containing profanity, spam postings, or posts that reveal private information about another community member. Other examples are discussed in the guidelines below.

Some things to keep in mind when posting:

1) Respect: Respect the guidelines for forum usage, and site usage. Respect fellow community members, and guests on these boards. Whether a community member has one post or 5,000 posts, they deserve the same respect.

2) Foul Language and obscene images will not be tolerated. This site is family friendly, and all posts and posters must respect the integrity of the site.

3) Personal attacks and flames will not be tolerated. All problems should be solved through private message, or email, as arguments on the boards look bad to visitors. If you can not solve an issue between yourself and a fellow forum member, please contact an admin or moderator (usernames: Admin, AxelFoley, or melmacian56). VENTING ABOUT ANOTHER MEMBER ON THE BOARDS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!

4) Duplicate accounts are not allowed.

5) Keep on topic: Responses to a particular thread should be on-topic and pertain to the discussion. Users should use the New Topic button to start a new discussion which would otherwise be off-topic in the current thread. Threads that are off topic may be closed by an administrator or moderator.

6)If someone has posted copyrighted material or otherwise illegal material, please notify an administrator so that it may be removed.

7) If you have an issue with a specific post/topic on this board, please report it to an administrator via PM. We will review the post and edit/delete if necessary. Do not attempt to take care of the situation yourself, as this will prevent conflicts and problems between forum members.

8) Posting is in English only. We also ask that you use "correct English" when posting. Computers are equiped with a "full keyboard" so there is no need for using abbreviations such as "u" instead lf "you", and "ur" instead of "your".

9) Bumping topics: "Bumping" a topics is a means of bringing an older topic back to life, so everyone at the forum sees it again (i.e. you posted something for sale, and a month later you want everyone to know it is still available). You are allowed to "BUMP" a topic here, but please limit it to once a week (not once a day, or every few days). BUMPING ANOTHER FORUM MEMBER'S TOPIC IS NOT ALLOWED!

10) One-liners: It is preferable that members post in complete sentences when posting, with minimal abbreviations. This will ensure that all forum members are able to understand your posts.

11) Cheating/spamming to increase your post count: Please do not post short one-liners multiple times in the same thread (i.e. five posts all within 2 minutes of each other) to increase your post count. Not only is it difficult to follow the topic, but most times the posts don't even make sense anymore. In short, if the last 3-4 consecutive posts in a topic are by you, you are most likely spamming to increase your post count. Post all of your thoughts in ONE post, not each thought in a separate post.

12) eBay links, or any other links of a similar nature, are not allowed.

Disclaimer: Any messages you post will stay available to the public for as long as this discussion board is online. Please post carefully, once you have posted your message it is here to stay. We will not edit the content you wrote unless it does not conform to these guidelines. If we edit a post and you do not like the changes, we will delete the message at your request.

These guidelines will be amended as necessary. Failure to follow these simple guidelines can result in a temporary suspension from the forum, or a permanent ban of your account and IP address.

Thank you in advance for your willingness to follow these guidelines. I have been a member of some online forums/communities that were "out of control", and I did not think they were fun at all.
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Re: Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING!

Post by Admin »


Forum Guidelines have been slightly revised (as they were over a year old and needed updating).
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Re: Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING!

Post by Admin »

BUMP, I reworded #3 because of a recent issue (it must not have been clear enough here in the forum guidelines). Unfortunately, some people try to solve their problems with other forum members IN TOPICS, instead of behind closed doors, and I have had to deactivate a few accounts over the last several years.

Since #3 has been a problem on more than one occasion I felt the need to reword it and make it more clear...should you have any questions, or suggestions on how to make it even more clear, please let me know (PM or email preferably).
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Re: Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING!

Post by Admin »

With the summer giveaway just a little over 7 hours away I wanted to bump with post to give our new members an opportunity to see it. Thank you all in advance for your cooperation and for helping the forum continue to run smoothly.
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