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Tanners Wherebouts

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Tanners Wherebouts

Post by mames507 »

I read on Stephans Alf page that Alf was headed towards Nebraska to try and locate the Tanner family. Is that where they went after Alf was capurterd? Maybe if they ever did another Alf sitcom it could pickup after the Project Alf Movie. ATF lets Alf go and he goes back California to try and find but is told the Tanners no longer live there. Then he bumps into Willie's brother Neal and he tells him that heard they were somewhere in the midwest but doesn't know where. Alf give's Neal a smart comment. Then goes to Willie's good friend Larry. Larry then gives Alf the scoop on why the Tanners moved. Larry gives in and tells him where they are. Alf starts his long journey to Nebraska. Then when finally arrives in Lincoln Nebraska. Then Eric the Tanners son sees Alf at a local shopping mall and says to Willie Alf. Willie then looks around discovers Alf is standing beside him. Willie is amazed to see Alf.

I dunno that maybe wishful thinking but i am opptamistic
Last edited by mames507 on Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ALFanatic »


Take it easy. You have already got more that one entire season of epsiodes stuffed into your post.

F.Y.I., testimony provided in "Project: ALF" reveals the Tanner family was relocated to Reykjavik, Iceland, under the witness protection program. They chose Reykjavik over other locations because of better schools.

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Post by Crazy_M »

Sounds like a good idea... Hopefully if they do start it up again they will broadcast it over here too. :D
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What you think

Post by mames507 »

Hey Mike what do you think of my idea. I know it isn't going to happen but I feel good that I thought of something like that. It takes a lot for me to write something like. If we had a way we could forward that to Paul Fusco but I doubt he will even ready it.
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Post by ALFanatic »


Your idea has potential, but might be better suited for a movie, instead of a sit-com, with the meeting of Willie and ALF as the finale. For the idea to be developed into a sit-com (hopefully long run), I believe you would need to broaden the concept to explore what happens after Willie and ALF meet.

As for getting your idea to Mr. Paul Fusco, all I know to suggest is sending it to "Assante Business Management" address that is noted in "Paul Fusco Autograph" Topic. Your guess is as good as mine if it would get read.

Note: Since "Project: ALF" left the Tanner family in Iceland, probably would need to add some additional information to your idea indicating how the Tanners found their way to Nebraska.

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Post by LordHelmetJr »

Iceland, huh? If he hadn't gone belly-up last December, they probably could have an episode where Alf goes to Iceland and befriended Keiko the whale and hten set him free for real in a big Free Willy parody.
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Post by mames507 »

Willie cannot believe what he see's in front of him. Alf start's to wave in front of Willie's eyes to snap out of it. When Willie comes to tells Alf that he cannot stay with them because the ATF has setup survalence all around the Tanner family household including Lynn who is still living Iceland with her soon to be husband Ben. Willie then invites Alf to talk over a cup of coffee. Willie explains to Alf why the family moved to Iceland. Alf then begins to show signs of emotion. He says he has thought of them ever since the ATF took him away. Willie then ask's how he got the ATF to let him go. Alf told him that ATK felt Alf wasn't a danger to socity and that he is told take up resdiency with Larry. Willie ask Alf why he chose Larry and says that he was the only one to come to his aid. Willie becomes confused, he asked how come he felt that way and Alf told Willie that he and Kate didn't come to help or to visit him while he was there. Willie tells Alf that United States Government forced them to move to Iceland and they were to have no contact Alf at all. Alf ask why they moved to Nebraska and Willie tells him that he couldn't get a job and that he and Kate couldn't support there family. Also the schooling was as good as they thought. The US government then grants them there request that they are free to return to the US under the same condentions. To Be Continued

If this is bothering you guys I will stop, but i do plan on typing this all up and then contieuing this story. I will send this to Paul Fusco and hopes he may read and respond to it. But if you want me to stop I will. If anybody has any idea's feel free to drop me a line
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Post by Crazy_M »

No, please carry on. Obviously I can only speak on behalf of myself but I am enjoying this :D

I suppose it may be because I am easily amused :lol:
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Post by Admin »

I have a solution that might make the story easier.

In my opinion it may be best to finish the story (instead of submitting it in pieces). When you finish the story you can always post it in a .doc format (as a link - I can upload it to the forum for you) and allow those interested to view the entire story as a whole.

This will also let you make revisions as you go along (in case you want to change something from the beginning of your story).
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Post by ALFanatic »


I am in agreement with you that it would be more desireable to have a lnk where the entire ALF saga being penned by "mames507" could be read in completed form. That way those interested in the story would be able to read start to finish in one visit, rather than having to frequently visit looking to find additional bits and pieces.

Also, to the benefit of "mames507", he could revise and edit through several personal drafts for assurance that the completed version flows in desired chronological order with correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.

Last edited by ALFanatic on Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Crazy_M »

Yeah... What they said :D
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Post by Admin »

mames507 definitely brings up a great idea with the fan fiction. Perhaps a new forum category dedicated to "Fan Fiction" would be in order. I'll have to look into it. I'm glad to see that the people around the forum here are taking an interest in it.
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Post by mames507 »

I am just curious are you mad at me for writing this story on here. If so I will stop but like you said it is fan fiction. i have written a lot on my microsoft word but I was wondering what you thought of it
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Post by Crazy_M »

My perception is that they like is aswell as I do but it doesn't do it full justice when you write it in pasrts and theres in between comments. :)
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Post by mames507 »

If you want you can put my script in a different location and I will go ahead and finish it. I have a little more I wanna write but I have stopped because I don't wanna put to much in one whole section.

This is for Mike or Adminstration
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Post by ALFanatic »


Crazy_M's post does good job of more clearly stating what Admin and I were attempting to suggest.

Finish your storyline, then proofread many times to be sure it reads exactly as you desire and is free of all typographical errors. You want a perfect finished product, especially since you have hopes of submitting to Mr. Paul Fusco for consideration.

When you are totally satisfied with the finished product, then contact the Admin to arrange for submission to him, so that he can post the entire storyline on a link where it can be read from beginning to end.

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Post by mames507 »

I have continued on my story. i am currently writing it up on microsoft word. i am also cheating a little bit by having the program fix the grammar and spelling issues. But I will proof read it and take it to my old teacher and have them fix it up as well. Do you guys think this is good so far. I won't get into trouble for writing stuff by anybody will I?
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Post by ALFsince86 »

I would love to see ALF and the Tanners reunite, but wow, even little Eric would be seventeen now!

Of course, we could see Willie and Kate as grandparents (does that make anyone feel old?). Perhaps Lynn would be some kind of major scientist because ALF inspired her to turn brainiac and search for other ALFs. Meanwhile, Brain, unfortunately, is completely aimless due to ALF's influence. Maybe Eric would be saving his money to go in with his friends on a Cat Farm?
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