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The Ones I Think are Cool...

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The Ones I Think are Cool...

Post by ALFsince86 »

Before hanging out here I used to frequent -- I hope to be there again when my Social Security Disability is approved and I can afford to join again (I like to do the blogging, not just the reading). I'm Fan4Yrs on that site. -- My xanga site. I talked about everything (to a degree). I have a couple of friends on xanga (from college). -- I hadn't realized until yesterday that almost a year ago Jerry Lewis recorded a song with Deana Martin (Dino's daughter). You can hear a bit of the song there and it's terrific. The album is on my wishlist now! -- When I can afford to I buy my books, CDs, and DVDs here.
It's where I got ALF Season 2. and -- two of my favorite musicians -- Oh, wait, you know about this one!
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