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Consider Me Gone

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Consider Me Gone

Post by UmbertoRobina »

I just watched the final episode last night for the first time. I'd probably seen pretty much every episode in it's original run, but I don't remember seeing the final episode. I liked it right up until the end, I was getting teary eyed, but they ruined it with the ending man!

I already knew how it ended, but I didn't think they'd just leave it hanging like that though.

I seen the Project Alf movie. I own it actually, and it was just okay, nothing special. I did get a free Alf Keychain when I ordered it from Columbiahouse. It has Alf laying there with a bubble of him saying WANNA FEEL SOMETHING WARM AND FUZZY? LOL Anyway, I thought the ending of Project:Alf was kind of stupid too, but better than the way the series ended.
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Post by ALFanatic »


Although "CONSIDER ME GONE" in reality was the final episode of the ALF TV series, are you aware that the episode was not originally intended as an ending, but instead a "cliffhanger" (common with TV series of that era) ment to promote interest for the future 5th Season? Did you notice the text lline "TO BE CONTINUED" appearing at bottom of screen in final scene?

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Post by UmbertoRobina »


I didn't notice that. I'll have to go back and see about that.
It really does suck that the show ended so soon because I thought they were finally getting into a groove and the show was starting to get somewhere. I found it was getting funnier as it went.

I do miss the days of Jake (Season 3), and I could have sworn he was in season 4, but I guess not. I liked the addition of his character. Especially the episode where Willie goes on FIGHT BACK, when a mechanic was taking him for a ride, and charging him after breaking his car, etc.

I wish they would have kept him on the show, but what can ya do. It's still a great show regardless. I think it should have went longer than it did though, and I think all of you will agree.
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Post by Admin »

Did you notice the text lline "TO BE CONTINUED" appearing at bottom of screen in final scene?

Wasn't the "To Be Continued" caption taken off for the DVD set? I don't recall seeing it on there either...
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Post by ALFanatic »


As I have never watched "Consider Me Gone" episode on my Season Four DVD set, you very well may be correct about the deletion. I do know for a fact that all my VHS tapes of both original and syndicated versions of the "Consider Me Gone" episode do contain the "TO BE CONTINUED" text line. Still, to this day, that text line remains in my mind as a bitter memory.

If indeed you are correct about deletion of the text line from final scene in "CONSIDER ME GONE" episode on Season four DVD set, then I apologize to "UmbertoRobina" about questioning his failure to notice.

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Post by Delorean Dude 17 »

its good to know i wasnt the only one who cried during that crappy ending. poor ALF! :cry: there was no to be continued in the DVD set i looked.
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Post by UmbertoRobina »

not a problem about the text line. I think I should have noticed if it was there, but since it wasn't, I guess I didn't miss it.

but anyway I tried not to get teary eyed, but during the whole scene at the table, It was a little sad. I guess I just like the Alf character too much, and relate to him too much. I've always loved this show, and probably always will.

It's weird how so many people can love a puppet eh? lol
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Post by melmacian56 »

I'm gonna be a man and admit it....I cried during the final scene of the series. That moment totally broke my heart and to this day I choose not to watch that episode. It reminds me of how ALF was a victim of "braindead" TV executives.

However I will admit, that final scene was also pure genius even though it really made me angry after I had seen it. That is the kind of TV that drags in ratings. NBC told Paul they could do another episode but it never happened. In our minds...BIG MISTAKE. One thing ALF could come up with every couple times in a season was a moment that would catch you emotionally. In my opinion, there will never ever be a show that will be as good as ALF. We just don't get that kind of good quality of TV today thanks to that stupid reality crap taking over. ALF contained some of the greatest cliffhanger moments I have ever witnessed. It saddens me that we will never know what Season 5 would have been like but if it would have happened then we would have been seeing some GREAT TV. Season 5 could have set ALF up for another few seasons of side splitting fun.
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Post by UmbertoRobina »

yeah, tv execs sometimes have no clue what's good. They think with their pocketbook. I think the show could have went for way more seasons than just 4. As long as they never forgot their roots. What made the show funny was the interaction between Alf and the Tanners, and the difference in lifestyles so to speak. I think the character is pretty much endless as far as what you can do with him. He's always getting into trouble, and always doing odd things, like the eating Cotton episode, sheer genius.

As for the reality crap on tv today, I like an element of realism in movies, and all that, but only to a certain extent. And really I feel like tv today is burning the candle at both ends. They took a new idea a few years back which was more realism, and they're stomping it into the ground. They're literally killing what once was an original idea. And I think that after a while they will go back to what it was like in the 80s, where people wanted an escape from reality, and just wanted to laugh,cry, or live out their frustrations through some good fast paced action, or adventure shows.

Only time will tell I guess.
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Post by ALFsince86 »

I have never seen the last episode all the way through. I have mixed feelings about seeing it. As a child I took ALF very seriously (as far as his personal well-being was concerned). I had heard before that the "final episode" was supposed to just be a cliffhanger. It's too bad it didn't go for Season 5. If ALF would have become a public alien he could have had more adventures outside the house (obviously).
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Post by UmbertoRobina »

I think if Alf had adventures outside the house, it would have ruined the show. Unless it was something like him sneaking out to Neal's house, or driving the ferrari in season 2, or the old folks home, etc. What made it funny was, IS HE GONNA GET CAUGHT? But thankfully he never did.
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Post by Delorean Dude 17 »

UmbertoRobina wrote:...or driving the ferrari in season 2.
Sorry umbertorobina, Alf drove the ferrari in season 1, not 2. Sorry to be mean, but i couldn't help myself. Good classic moments though! :D I admit too, some of the funniset moments in Alf includes the possibility of him getting caught. Sure, its funny to see him meet a few new people (Neal, Jake, jodie, dorothy, that mexican kid from border song, etc.) but instances like getting traped in the ophmonics(i kno i spelled that wrong) house and driving the ferrari, are classic, because of this possibility of getting caught.
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Post by ALFanatic »

Stay on Topic, please - "CONSIDER ME GONE" episode.

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Post by UmbertoRobina »

we ARE staying on topic! what are you talking about?

is this how it's gonna be on this board? if one topic leads into another, you're gonna come on here hounding us? give me a break!

the topic is CONSIDER ME GONE, which is about ALF getting caught, and we were discussing the many times ALF has almost gotten caught! how is that offtopic!? it has to do with the topic at hand!

ANYWAY!...back to what you were saying, yes those were classic moments. To me though there is a fine line between what is entertaining,and what is not. To me ALF out in the world and NOT getting caught is funny,and entertaining, but ALF being out in the world and GETTING caught, like in CONSIDER ME GONE! (The topic again!) the ending is just not entertaining at all, it's just plain sad. Project Alf wasn't a bad movie, but didn't live up to what the series was about. To me it was about world meets world, and seeing ALF doing funny things to wreak havoc over the tanner house because for all we know, on his planet this could be normal. To me that's what makes it funny.

About the ferrari episode, I thought it was in season 2? I guess I screwed up on that one. I could have swore it was like 3 or 4 episodes after Oh Pretty Woman, which was the season premiere of season 2. But you're probably right. I think I do remember ALF's fur being a bit fuzzy in that episode, as if he got caught in a dryer, which he didn't have in season 2.
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Post by ALFanatic »


Now that you have been allowed to vent in response to a simple, polite, administrative request, I hope you feel better, but be advised nothing has, or will, change concerning the reality that all members of this Forum are expected to keep thier posts "on Topic".

Interesting to note that you are the originator of the "CONSIDER ME GONE" Topic and in your original post you established the parameters for the Topic dealing with the "CONSIDER ME GONE" ending episode of the ALF TV series. Now that your thoughts have wandered off in another direction, rather than have the mental maturity to initiate a New Topic in the appropriate Forum, you seek (in your most recent post) to defend continuation of posting to this Topic by redefining the scope of the "CONSIDER ME GONE" Topic Title.

In closing, the Administrators of this Forum appreciate the posting of appropriate New Topics by any member, and with respect to the originating member, we consider it our duty to maintain the sanctity of the Topic to the best of our ability.

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Post by UmbertoRobina »

ok, none of that made any sense, so i'm not even gonna bother going there. We're here to talk about ALF plain and simple. Talking about other shows, I can understand you stepping in. But as long as we're talking about the show, nothing else should matter.

I take back what I said about this forum being a great place. It sounds like it's run by a bunch of 2 year olds. A forum is for people to express their thoughts and love for the show period. Who the heck cares if the topic says Consider Me Gone, it doesn't mean we have to stick to that subject. We can talk about Alf's underwear if he wears any. Why should I start a new thread just to continue?

if someone asks me a question about something, or comments on something I said, I'm going to answer it, not start a new post about it and confuse people. How dare you act like I'M the one who's childish, it's YOU that's childish. Delete this post or whatever you wanna do. I don't care anymore.

I know a lot of message boards get out of control, and that is why moderators, and administrators are there. Some people start a subject about one thing, and it turns out being about what is the price of tea in china. So I understand moderating. But this is just childish. I'm done with this stupid board because I thought it was full of grown ups not a bunch of kids!
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Post by Admin »

I take back what I said about this forum being a great place.
It sounds like it's run by a bunch of 2 year olds.
it's YOU that's childish. Delete this post or whatever you wanna do. I don't care anymore.
I'm done with this stupid board because I thought it was full of grown ups not a bunch of kids!
I think you have just crossed the line, UmbertoRobina. It is obvious that your e-mail address (hostile-youth@************.com) reflects your attitude in this instance.

This forum has a reputation of being a FRIENDLY community. Everyone here is mature enough to get along with one another, keep posts on topic, and NOT attack others. This forum has been doing so well the last year or so because of these reasons, and you are being counterproductive to the discussion of fellow ALF fans. With your posts you have attacked people, and the forum itself (which will not be tolerated) and I'm sure you have upset many members as well.

Should you change your mind and attitude feel free to contact me. Until then it is my regret to tell you that you are no longer welcome here (and believe me, nothing bothers me more than having to say that).
Last edited by Admin on Sat Jun 09, 2007 9:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Admin »

Since this thread got so far off-topic, it is my pleasure to announce the continuation of the original "Consider Me Gone" topic, thank you.
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Post by Delorean Dude 17 »

I hope you guys can settle this, cuz i know how people can abuse a site. I draw cartoons for a living and a friend made a website for them. And this cussing moron on my shout box cussed for all he was worth. We banned him many times and he kept coming bak in a differrent name! Look guys, this is a great site, dont abuse it by fighting!
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Post by ALFicionado »

It's really sad that there can be such a heated argument on an ALF board, ALF, especially about something that is written on stone for any forum members.
I believe this was the first banned member on this board? Anyway, good riddance. If rules and structure were not liked by this member, the ban was the right thing to do.
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