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Star Trek - which series?

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Which Star Trek Series do you like the best?

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Re: Star Trek - which series?

Post by Iggy »

Yeah I was surprised when I saw those results as well. I also visit trekbbs regularly and I've always found that whole bickering over which show is better silly. Each show has it's distinctions and I think every one of them contributed to the whole universe. I certainly enjoy watching them all, from TOS to ENT.
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Re: Star Trek - which series?

Post by Joe Shumway »

Iggy wrote: Each show has it's distinctions and I think every one of them contributed to the whole universe. I certainly enjoy watching them all, from TOS to ENT.
Same here. :)
Last edited by Joe Shumway on Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Star Trek - which series?

Post by Aurora »

Voyager was the series that got me into Star Trek in the first place so probably stands to reason that it'd be a favourite of mine. I like Enterprise too. I've seen some of the original series and movies. I haven't seen TNG, and I've only seen a few episodes of DS9 so there's lots of ST to watch when I decide to dive into them.
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Re: Star Trek - which series?

Post by DefLeppardVanHalen »

When I was a kid, I grew up watching reuns of TOS. I've got to watch every episode from TNG onwards when it first came on.
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Re: Star Trek - which series?

Post by AlfAlfa_26 »

As I already mentioned in my introduction, I am a big Star Trek Fan. Like with ALF, I can not remember a time in my life without it, it has always been there, since the beginning :D . And like ALF, my parents were Trekkies before, so I maybe inherited it from them :lol: .

I have watched every Star Trek series that was produced between the 1960s and 2005(including the Animated Series); and a great amount of the newer shows since 2017 as well.
It is hard to tell which one is my favourite: I get really emotional when I see TOS and the TOS movies: These crew and their adventures mean a lot to me. But I really like every Star Trek Series until 2005(Enterprise would be my least favourite; but I still like it).
Over the years I have read a lot about Star Trek on the internet encyclopedia "MemoryAlpha" and also in books that I own. I have also read some of the novels, so it would not be an exaggeration to call me an expert on Star Trek. I also attended conventions here in Germany, in the cities of Dortmund, Frankfurt am Main and Bonn. First, in 2014, I met William Shatner and he signed an autograph for me. Over the years I have preferred taking photos over autographs; and to this date I have photos with: William Shatner(taken this year); George Takei(also 2023); Walter Koenig(2018); Marina Sirtis(2022); Armin Shimerman(2022); Gates McFadden(2023) and John de Lancie(2023).

When a new series was announced in 2017, I was excited and could not believe it. In the weeks before "Discovery" came out, there were pictures of the new Klingon look published and I was very disappointed. I got even more disappointed when I actually saw the first episode and the whole first season. I watched the following seasons as well, but I never really got into that series. I appreciate that there are represantations of people who were ignored or suffered from segregation in the past; but the stories and the designs are just not for me.
I am also not a fan of "Strange New Worlds" because there are so many changes in characters and designs and Star Trek history, that I just can not ignore. There were contradictions in Star Trek before, but IMO they were more easily to ignore with your own "head-canon". But that is just my personal opinion; maybe I am too nostalgic about the previous Trek series :lol:.
I have not seen "Prodigy" yet; and I stopped watching "Lower Decks". It is just not my kind of humor; in some episodes I thought some jokes were really disgusting. IMO it would be fine for those who like it as a parody of Trek(there would be nothing wrong with a good parody), but I think they should not have included it as a "canon" series.

From all of the newer shows, I think I only really like "Picard". It is not as good as the best episodes of TNG were, but at least it gave Data a better storyline, especially in the third season. I never liked the idea of Data dying on the Scimitar in "Nemesis"; and I also thought that shutting Datas consciousness down in the first season of "Picard", just because he wishes the attribut of mortality added to him, was not really clever: After all, he was much younger than Picard to whom a once dying android body was given. So giving Data a chance to live and to die at a later time is the much better solution I think.

I also have to mention that I really love the music of Star Trek. Over the decades there were great compositions in the series and movies that I still hear from time to time. The music of Star Trek always helps me when I am not feeling well. Especially the music composed for "The Wrath of Khan" is one of my favourites.

For the TOS fans here: I really recommend the book "Star Trek Lost Scenes" and the DVD collection "The Roddenberry Vault" for some really interesting information on cut scenes. These were not included in the box sets containing the series and are very precious. For example, there is an additional scene of Kirk and his nephew from "Operation: Annihilate". I also recommend owning the blu-ray release of TOS(because there are the original and the remastered effects included) and TNG(because you can actually read what was on screens that was previously impossible to see.
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