Melmacian years.

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Melmacian years.

Post by shreddinghead »

How many human years are one melmacian year exactly? First i guessed about 20, since alf was still a toddler as 50-60 years old :lol: in one of the melmacian flashbacks from the marvel comics. But then again, that would make alf about 11 years old or so. So i will guess one melmacian year is about 10, then alf will be 23 years, that makes more sense.
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Re: Melmacian years.

Post by Ninjadragon5 »

I have no flipping idea really, but that is a really good guess though.
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Re: Melmacian years.

Post by samstokes80 »

I believe that a Melmacian year is literally the same length as an earth year, according to how it is treated on the show. However, in terms of developmental age, it might equate differently (in the way that dog years to human years are 7:1).

According to the ALF Wiki, ALF went to high school for 122 years (I believe this information came from one of the ALF trading cards). Compared to 4 years of high school on earth, that would be a ratio of 30.5 Melmacian years to 1 Earth year. However, at this ratio, it would mean that ALF was only seven and a half years old on the show.

I like to think of ALF as being right out of high school and having just joined the military (Orbit Guard), when Melmac is destroyed. This idea makes it less creepy that this really old man is romantically pursuing the Tanner's teenage daughter!
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Re: Melmacian years.

Post by Ninjadragon5 »

lol. I know right? I would be creepy to think of ALF as the old man pervert. I pretty much guess he is around that age too, somewhere in his early to mid-20s in human years.
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Re: Melmacian years.

Post by robodog »

Regarding Alf's attempt to date Lynn, I think the fact that he's an entirely different species is more questionable than the fact that he might be too old for her. Not in a creepy way. More in a "This makes no sense" way. Why would an alien from an entirely different world with entirely different customs and standards of beauty be interested in dating a human? I can see Alf caring for humans, but I can't see him actually finding one attractive. In reality we'd probably look like freakish hairless giants to a Melmacian. That's one of the problems I have with science fiction. Humans are beautiful to alien species even if said species looks like giant frogs. Non humans always want to BE human because Humans are special snowflakes that have emotions and feelings beyond anything robots or alien life forms can comprehend. Most Science Fiction writers can't seem to grasp the notion that our looks and our ways could be hideous and repulsive to aliens. We're a species who once enslaved our own kind because they had different colored skin. The human race isn't exactly a bastion of morality. Instead of aliens being all gung ho to adopt our ways just once I'd like to see a story where the humans realize that the aliens do some things better and seek to adopt their ways. In most science fiction stories humans are basically Mary Sues. Which sucks when you're like me and find alien species far more interesting.
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Re: Melmacian years.

Post by Ninjadragon5 »

that is a very good point, robodog. what we as humans might find attractive may not apply to to other aliens species. To ALF, humans are probably really bizarre looking creatures. and if you think about it, were pretty pathetic looking as a species, we have no sharp teeth or claws, no wings or horns, very little hair so we can't survived in really cold weather for long without the need of cloths nor can we survive long in really hot weather for that matter. so it does kind of amaze how we became the dominant species on earth millions of years ago. we see ourselves as the best thing evolution spewed out, but really to other alien species they might see as ugly primitive beings. (maybe that the reason no other aliens species have contacted us yet.) so yeah, it is really bizarre that ALF would even consider lynn to be attractive in some way to him. and it is true that a lot of science fiction writing think humans are the biggest deal in the universe and every alien as to adopt to our ways, when in reality there could be a alien species that is much better then us out there, we just have not discovered them yet.
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Re: Melmacian years.

Post by shreddinghead »

In science fiction humans might be depict as more pure and beautiful. However, often are alien intellectually and technologically superior, and they have special way of understanding the cosmos they can teach us humans.
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