ALF Fanfic: Snow Chaos (by Carley Palmer)

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ALF Fanfic: Snow Chaos (by Carley Palmer)

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Snow Chaos
By: Carley Palmer

It was early morning in the neighbourhood and in the Tanners house, a certain Melmacian male was up but felt the house was cold which was strange for March but he was curious as he looked out the window seeing the town blanketed in snow making him very excited since he could go outside now the world knew about him, imagining the fun he could have.

A sound of purring broke him out of his trance since it was tbe family cat making him smirk since on his planet Melmac, they ate cats and on this planet doing so was forbidden on pain of havin TV pro Vegas taken from him.

"Here kitty, kitty." he said laughing.

The cat then left the attic and raced into the kitchen hiding user the table knowing that ALF wouldn't look there hearing his footsteps seeing Kate there making the alien stop dead in his tracks.

"Yo Kate good morning.

You seen Lucky?" he asked seeing her glare.

"No I haven't ALF but the cat's not stupid plus it snowed last night, meaning Brian's gonna be off school.

I have a feeling you're going to enjoy the snow?" she said.


We never had snow days On Melmac, so it's pretty cool!

I don't know what you do on snow days and maybe Brian knows or Willie!" ALF said smiling drinking juice.

They saw Brian enter dressed warmly since it was snowing meaning no school and was excited that ALF could enjoy the snow too since there were some things on Earth you couldn't do on Melmac and the two were discussing their plans for the day while Kate was making breakfast.

Willie entered hearing ALF and Brian excited and planning mischief meaning the neighbours might complain.

They were eating breakfast which was pancakes and eggs but ALF was eating a lot meaning he would be hyper which was a good thing he could go outside now, so he could burn off some of that crazy energy.


"ALF you can't go out without a scarf and a hat!" Brian said.

The Melmacian male was about to go out into the snow with Brian but he wondered why as his body was covered in thick soft fur so what was the big deal?

"Remember when you got the cold?

When you go outside in the snow without warm clothes you can get it or something worse!" Brian said.

"That's what they all say B.

I'll wear a scarf okay?"" """""""""""""""""

"That's a start bro." he said.

After putting on a scarf they went outside and going to the park since there would be huge hills for sledding making ALF curious leaving.
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Re: ALF Fanfic: Snow Chaos (by Carley Palmer)

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Ch. 2


Here's more and hope people like since I wrote this Friday night/early Saturday morning but in this chapter, ALF and Brian are having snow fun in the park, throwing snowballs, sledding and all that good stuff.

I love where this is going.


Snowflakes fell from the skies while ALF and Brian were in thepark going to find adventure and fun , seeing ALF stick out his Tongue finding one land on his Tongue eating it smiling, catching more making Brian stun Ed.

"Come Ob ALF, snow days don't last forever." he said making him curious.

" Sure it will!

Come on B." he said following him.

Snowballs then hit them making ALF curious and scared shaking them off since it was just snow right?

"Hey who"s the imbecile throwing these things at guys like us?" he said.

Brian saw a big kid around thirteen who was chubby but mean with messy hair wearing goggles making ALF gulp a little since this kid could hurt him and Brian and had to stand his ground.

"What the heck is that thing, a rabid dog?" he said seeing ALF.

That insult made The alien mad as be'd been called a lot of things by the people on this planet, a kangaroo, an ant eater and and other things running after the mid growling and throwing snowballs, making Brian worry since ALF always tried to behave, and mischief followed.

"Prepare to eat snow!" ALF yelled making the kid scared.

Brian saw him beat them but saw the kids run off making him smile.

"Thanks as that was pretty funny, since Ricki picks on everybody at school even kids in my class.

Let's go have more fun!" he said.

"Yeah bur what else do you do oh a snow day?" ALF asked making Brian smile.

"You'll see." he said seeing ALF follow.


"You sure this is a good idea B?" ALF asked.

He and Brian were On a sled on top of a huge snow covered hill looking down seeing how high they were.

"Well You wanted to know what a snow day was like!" Brian said p.

ALF knew he was right gulping and praying to Barry as the slews going fast but Brian was laughing and having fun, landing in the snow.

"ALF you there?" Brian asked.

He then saw something emerge wearing ALF's scarf seeing beady black eyes full of warmth and mischief look at him, knowing it was ALF but he looked like a little yeti which was cute, hearing him ask.

"A yeti is a monster that lves in the snowy mountains bit not a lot of people have seen one." he said seeing a smirk.

"I just got a great idea B!" he said running off.

Brian knew that when ALF had a brilliant idea, trouble followed and had a feeling his telling him about yetis and him covered in snow gave the alien the idea to be a yeti.

He hoped his parents weren't too mad at them, seeing a ,ot of people chasing a snow covered alien taking photos.

"Let's go to another part of the park okay?" he said as ALF shook the snow off his fur laughing seeing cats making Brian worry, seeing ALF get excited licking his lips.

"I'm coming after I get a snack B!" he said running off.

"Oh brother!" Brian said going after him.
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