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My Alf Script. Please read and let me know what u think

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My Alf Script. Please read and let me know what u think

Post by mames507 »

My Alf movie script by Mark Ames

ATF lets Alf go and he goes back California to try and find but is told the Tanners no longer live there. Then he bumps into Willie's brother Neal and he tells him that heard they were somewhere in the mid-west but doesn't know where. Alf give's Neal a smart comment. Then goes to Willie's good friend Larry. Larry then gives Alf the scoop on why the Tanners moved. Larry gives in and tells him where they are. Alf starts his long journey to Nebraska. Then when finally arrives in Lincoln Nebraska. Then Eric the Tanners son sees Alf at a local shopping mall and says to Willie Alf. Willie then looks around discovers Alf is standing beside him. Willie is amazed to see Alf.
Willie cannot believe what he sees in front of him. Alf start's to wave in front of Willie's eyes to snap out of it. When Willie comes to tells Alf that he cannot stay with them because the ATF has setup surveillance all around the Tanner family household including Lynn who is still living Iceland with her soon to be husband Ben. Willie then invites Alf to talk over a cup of coffee. Willie explains to Alf why the family moved to Iceland. Alf then begins to show signs of emotion. He says he has thought of them ever since the ATF took him away. Willie then asks how he got the ATF to let him go. Alf told him that ATK felt Alf wasn't a danger to society and that he is told take up residency with Larry. Willie asks Alf why he chose Larry and says that he was the only one to come to his aid. Willie becomes confused, he asked how come he felt that way and Alf told Willie that he and Kate didn't come to help or to visit him while he was there. Willie tells Alf that United States Government forced them to move to Iceland and they were to have no contact Alf at all. Alf ask why they moved to Nebraska and Willie tells him that he couldn't get a job and that he and Kate couldn't support there family. Also the schooling was as good as they thought. The US government then grants them there request that they are free to return to the US under the same conditions.
Alf and Willie continue to talk when Willie notices that Kate is looking for him and Willie goes and greets Kate and said he has a surprise for her. Willie looks over at the table to where he and Alf were talking and sees that Alf has left and Kate begins to question as to what is going on. Luckily for Willie they see Kate’s mom Dorothy walking towards them. Kate and her mom had a falling out and haven’t spoken for almost 2 years. Kate and Dorothy wonder off together so then can talk and hopefully make amends together. Willie meanwhile goes and searches for Alf without any luck. Willie then sits down at a nearby table and sees Alf in a pet shop licking his chops over a bunch cats in a cage. Alf somehow manages to get the cage open and has a cat in his hand and is about to leave with it when the pet shop owner catches him in the act. He grabs Alf and takes him and puts him in his own cage while figures out what to do with him.
Kate and Dorothy are sitting down to a nice lunch at a café and are working out there difference when the subject of Alf comes up Dorothy asks Kate what ever happened to that mop from the moon and Kate he was taken by the ATF when he was about to return with his friends on Melmac. Kate quickly changes the subject to why they haven’t spoken for this long. Dorothy is very hesitant to tell her but gives in and says it was because of Alf. Kate has confused look on her face and asks why. Dorothy says that since she got married to Weezer, Kate and the family became distant from her and never came to visit or even called so she figure they cared more for Alf and not her. Kate says that is not true at all and that they tried to call her and she never return her calls. Kate and Dorothy continue to disagree and finally say we can’t agree so we can just drop it. Kate changes the subject and asks her how Weezer is doing and Dorothy starts crying and Kate wonders what is wrong when she is told that Weezer died 3 months ago from bladder cancer. Kate is stunned at this and puts her head into her head.
Meanwhile Alf is locked in a dog cage when the pet shop owner approaches him and says you look very familiar to me and begins to think where he has seen him and has a flashback to when he worked at the animal shelter and finally comes to the conclusion on where he has seen him. He tells Alf he is that “ugly dog” that escaped and took a cat from a little girl who was getting a cat. He goes on to tell Alf it was his fault that he lost his job from the shelter. Alf begins to talk to him and tells him everything that has happened in his life. Keith the pet shop owner shows no compassion for Alf and says he is calling security for trying to steal a cat and he is going to jail.
Alf doesn’t know what to do. The mall police show up and of course Alf has a smart ass comment to say. He says hi Paul Blart where is your motor scooter. The cop sees no humor in this joke and threatens Alf. Keith comes over and says this thing tried to take a cat. Alf says he was going to show his friend that’s all and says he is sorry for the mix up. The guard and Dave don’t buy his story but Willie walks in and says Alf where is the cat you were going to show me and Eric? The guard asks Willie if he knows Alf and says he does and that he is with me and my son Eric who is now 10 years old and was looking for a birthday gift for him. The guard believes them and lets them leave while Keith is really angry and says he was fooled again by Alf. He turns around and finds that Alf has locked him in the cage lol.
Kate is walking her mom back to her car and says I am sorry about losing her husband and wonders why she was never told. Dorothy doesn’t answer her and gets in the car and drives off and doesn’t even look back. Kate begins to cry and all of a sudden says here someone calling her. Kate turns around and see’s Willie and Eric walking towards them. At first she is happy to see them and out of the corner of her eye she sees a familiar hairy looking alien walking with them.
Kate is not impressed at all seeing Alf and refuses to even look at him. Willie is trying to calm her down and she slaps Willie in the face and she is scolding him for why he would bring him anywhere near her and Eric. Alf approaches Kate and holds her hand and says calm down Kate everything is ok. Kate says of course it is and slaps Alf in the nose and laughs I have always wanted to that. She gives Alf a hug, and is wondering how and why are you here? Alf is about to tell her about all that has happened in the years since that night in the field.
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Re: My Alf Script. Please read and let me know what u think

Post by mames507 »

Kate is not impressed at all seeing Alf and refuses to even look at him. Willie is trying to calm her down and she slaps Willie in the face and she is scolding him for why he would bring him anywhere near her and Eric. Alf approaches Kate and holds her hand and says calm down Kate everything is ok. Kate says of course it is and slaps Alf in the nose and laughs I have always wanted to that. She gives Alf a hug, and is wondering how and why you are here? Alf is about to tell her about all that has happened in the years since that night in the field. Alf, Willie, Kate, and Eric all decide to go back to the Tanners home to have a nice dinner it is there that Alf and Kate have there talk about what has happened in the last ten years since there last seeing each other.
After the dinner meeting Willie calls Larry and explains to that Alf is with them visiting them for a little while. Larry is hesitant at first but allows Alf to hang out with them for the night and he will come get him the next day. Larry asks to speak with Alf and when gets on the phone him and Alf get into a heated argument about Alf leaving Larry the way he did. Alf says he is sorry and the two make up and hang up the phone. Alf turns to Willie and asks him if he has spoken to Brian and Lynn and Willie sadly says he hasn’t spoken to Brian but does talk Lynn once in a while. He tells Alf that Lynn has a family of her own and they are now leaving Greenfield Massachusetts and that Lynn husband is a teacher at Amherst College the same school Willie went to. Willie goes on to tell Alf that Brian is living in Southern Florida with his family. Kate suggests to Alf that he shouldn’t call them right now cause the shock maybe too much for them to handle. Alf is hesitant at first but agrees. Kate mentions that it is late and we should all go to bed. Alf and Willie decide to stay up for a little longer and talk.
Meanwhile Willie goes to bed and Alf is having a hard time sleeping decides to make a typical Alf mistake. He sneaks into Willie and Kate’s room and finds Lynn phone number. He picks up the phone and hangs up 10 times debating to call her. He goes in to the kitchen to have a snack and think it over. He finally picks up the phone calls Lynn. But no one answers the phone as it almost 1 am in Massachusetts. He goes to bed on the couch and he sees his old bed with the Tanners dog Trevor sleeping in it. Alf is not at all happy and mentions he once had a dog do that it was relocated.
Morning comes and Willie is woken up by the phone ringing he answers and it is Lynn calling to see why he called at 1am in the morning. Willie denies calling that early and will figure out who it was. Lynn and Willie get to talking about what’s been going on in their lives. Then Willie makes a huge mistake when Alf comes walking into the kitchen and Willie says good morning Alf when Lynn was on the phone. Lynn hears this says WHAT? I was talking to the dog he says. Lynn doesn’t believe him saying that dogs name is Trevor. Lynn continues to say you said Alf and Willie deny it. Kate and Eric come walking in and hear what’s going on
Lynn demands that Willie put Alf on the phone to prove that she isn’t hearing things. When Willie refuses Lynn angrily hangs up the phone on her dad. Alf then runs and hides in the front closet in the house scared of what might be coming to him once Kate and Willie gets there hands on him. Alf comes out of the closet to explain his actions and starts to cry saying that he really wanted to hear Lynn’s voice again because it has been a long time since he has heard her voice. He asks Willie and Kate if he can call her and they refuse to let him do so. Alf gets mad and walks off to an unknown place in the house.
Its almost 2 in the afternoon and Kate and Willie still haven’t seen Alf since the morning hours. They go searching for him only to come up empty and they are starting to worry about him. The phone rings all of a sudden and Willie thinks it is Lynn calling to speak to Alf but it’s not. It is Larry informing Willie he can’t get out to Nebraska till Thursday afternoon because he is sick with the flu. Willie has that concerned tone in his voice that something is wrong and Larry immediately asks what’s wrong and Kate snaps the phone out of Willie’s hand and tells Larry what has happened. Larry suggestion is let Alf speak to Lynn on the phone for only a few minutes at a time. Kate and Willie agree to this and they go looking for the Melmacian.
Nighttime falls and there is still no sign of Alf. Kate decides it’s time to make dinner. She looks to Willie and tells him this is one way to lure Alf of hiding and that’s food. She is making her famous meatloaf. Alf disliked her Meatloaf a lot. Dinner is being setup at the table when they here Alf coming complaining about what’s for dinner. The family is happy to see that he is ok. He laughs and says he was under the Kate and Willie’s bed the whole time. Alf questions why Larry hasn’t come to get him and he finds out that he is sick and could fly while he was sick.
After dinner they all sit down to play rummy at the table. Kate puts on the TV for Eric. Eric loves Sponge bob Square pants and begins to watch it. Alf in a sarcastic way says why people find it funny watching a talking sponge and star fish. Although he doesn’t like the show he would like to eat at the crusty crab. Alf and Eric decide to watch TV together when all of a sudden there is a knock at the door. Willie in his glory tells Alf to go to the kitchen. Willie opens the door and is in total shock at who it was. To Be Continued.
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Re: My Alf Script. Please read and let me know what u think

Post by mames507 »

Here is my conclusion of my alf story please be honest and enjoy thank you
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Re: My Alf Script. Please read and let me know what u think

Post by Admin »

It does end on "to be continued" - is there still more? I was also thinking - if you'd be willing I could also add this to the fan fiction section of the website. Would make a great addition there.
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Re: My Alf Script. Please read and let me know what u think

Post by mames507 »

yes there is going to be more in my sequel but i have to come up with more for it. Yes u may add to the fan fiction. So is the conclusion good?
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Re: My Alf Script. Please read and let me know what u think

Post by mames507 »

I have submitted this to a program that has scrip writers to be looked at. I have had gotten a email. This morning from one of the website head people and they said they liked it and that they were going to pass it on to one of the writers to review and email me the changes i have to make. So hope fully by the end of the next week i may have some news.
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Re: My Alf Script. Please read and let me know what u think

Post by Admin »

Look forward to hearing about it. Please keep us up-to-date.
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Re: My Alf Script. Please read and let me know what u think

Post by Admin »

Any news?
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Re: My Alf Script. Please read and let me know what u think

Post by ALFIsMyIdol »

I liked it just two minor problems:

1. You said that Trevor (the dog) is sleeping in Alf's old room, but this is not the same house.
2. At the beginning you said that Lynn is in Iceland and than that she is in Massachusetts.

Otherwise I liked it. It's a bit on the dark side thou isn't it ?
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Re: My Alf Script. Please read and let me know what u think

Post by mames507 »

@ admin no i havent heard back yet from them. I can imagine they must be busy or they didnt like it at all. @foley to answer your quesiton about lynn they moved to massachusetts. And the part about trevor i think i made a error in my typing i meant to say sleeping in alfs old bed. I am going to emai l them and see whats up. i have been pretty busy lately so i havent been on hear I got a full time job finally lol
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Re: My Alf Script. Please read and let me know what u think

Post by ALFIsMyIdol »

OK. An honest typo. When is the continuation coming up.

P.S. I'm not AxelFoley i'm AlfIsMyIdol. Call me Matthew. :D
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Re: My Alf Script. Please read and let me know what u think

Post by Alflover24/7 »

What people r u emailing
He's quick I'll give him that!
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