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Monthly ALF Trivia is Back!

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Monthly ALF Trivia is Back!

Post by Admin »

I am pleased to announce that the monthly trivia is back! The idea to bring it back has been bouncing back and forth in my head for over a year now. A few years back I decided to discontinue it. The reasons at that time:

1) Took too long to update the website (that was back in the day when I was using FTP software to upload files practically one at a time). That is no longer the issue since I use Dreamweaver and edit directly on the server. INSTANT updates/changes!
2) People ONLY saw the trivia contest when viewing the "Trivia" page, so there was not a lot of participation.
3) No prizes = little participation

Anyways, the list goes on.

With the new website design I am now able to put the trivia in a sidebar - visitors who view ANY page on the site (forum being the exception) will see the trivia question. The new monthly trivia would probably have 10 times the number of view that the old game had (if not more!). I am also going to link it to the ALF TV Summer 2012 Prize Giveaway...every time someone answers correct they get their name in the drawing. A little perk for participating.

That is how I plan to work the new trivia game, but of course I am all ears for any suggestions on how to improve it.

Get those answers in, because the drawing for next summers giveaway begins today! No prizes are lined up as of yet, but that shouldn't stop you :)
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Re: Monthly ALF Trivia is Back!

Post by ALFicionado »

Awesome! Great add to the site.
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Re: Monthly ALF Trivia is Back!

Post by melmacian56 »

Sounds like a lot of fun. Can't wait!!
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Re: Monthly ALF Trivia is Back!

Post by Iggy »

Another great addition, looking forward to it.
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