Website Update - 8/5/05

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Website Update - 8/5/05

Post by Admin »

Just letting you all know that I updated the website today. I updated the trivia (as usual) and also added a link to a new ALF site (, three new fan quotes, and a review for the season 1 DVD set.

The thing some of you are probably wondering about it the banner on the index page ( is where the banner points to) for the release of Third Rock from the Sun on DVD. Just letting you know that this isn't a mistake. I was contacted by Anchor Bay Entertainment a few days ago with a deal to advertise for the new DVD release. I was hesitant to accept at first, but I did it as a way to support the site. The money for webhosting fees and domain registration usually comes out of my own pocket (the Amazon links help to defray some of the costs, but don't help much) so I saw this as an opportunity to earn extra money for the site. It is my hope that one day the site will be able to support and pay for itself; that point is still a long ways away, but definitely much better than two years ago. I estimate the site will be in a position to maintain itself sometime within the next 2-3 years.

For right now this is a just a one-month deal (but to be kind to Anchor Bay Entertainment for giving me this one-month opportunity I'll probably keep it up longer). Whether this will become a monthly thing or if this will stop at the beginning of next month I am not sure yet, so I apologize if the banner is getting in the way for some people (it's only a small price to pay).

Please let me know your thoughts and opinions about the subject, thanks!
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