ALF Fanfic: Zoning Off (by Carley Palmer)

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ALF Fanfic: Zoning Off (by Carley Palmer)

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Zoning Off
By: Carley Palmer

It was four thirty in the Edmonds Air Force Base and in his room, a certain newly titled Ambassdor of Earth was in his room which he'd converted into a casino yet again as well adbuying video game consoles from arcades as he'd been up since Miloff had been fired and he was happy and fearful because Miloff stalked his nightmares which he hated and was playing Space Invaders yawning.

"Sir maybe you should rest because you've been up since the hearing." Alf heard a robotic voice say seeing Rocket hand him a soda wrapping his furry hands around it as it soothed the pain from playing too much but was sitting in his recliner watching a movie on his big screen.

"I'm fine Rocket besides I'll nap later." he said yawning.

The robot activated the door leaving passing Melissa Hill and Rick Mulligan who were seeing that Alf was up playing as usual making them worry because they were still charged with his care and his habits of staying up made them worry.

"He won't listen to anybody but flexing his Ambassdor muscles." Rocket said.

"He listens to Melissa so she can talk to him." Rick said remembering how tired Alf had been after the sleep deprivation test and it had taken a while to make him sleep and feared the same.

" I'll talk to him Rick." Melissa asked.

She activated the door entering seeing Alf watching some home movies but knew what bothered him as he missed his Tanners.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Alf heard her ask.

"Not really since I can't

I tried counting sheep, and music which didn't work." he replied.

"You miss them which is why you can't sleep." she said seeing him tense up.

She saw him sniffle as she left.


The next morning she and Rick saw a sluggish alien male enter not wearing his Ambassdor clothes mumbling things in his sleep deprived state.

" Coffee..... Bring me coffee...." he muttered.

Melissa poured him black coffee but was worried seeing his hands shaky and she knew he needed to nap seeing him zone off making her worry because she saw him all annoyed with messy fur.

She placed a hand gently over his furry back but lifting him gently onto her back carrying him to her room because he was exhausted tucking him in.

She knew that being through a lot had made him not sleep since he'd told her in therapy what had happened to Melmac his planet and then he was also emotionally attached to the Tanners knowing he neededed them.

"Mel?" she heard him ask sleepily.

"Yes?" she said.

"I miss my Tanners and my planet." Alf replied.

"I know but there is hope since they're out there and your buddies are out there." she reassured him.

"Unless they'fe with Barry." he told her.

"Who's Barry?" she asked him.

"The Melnacian God." he replied as she understood removing his cap fro. His head seeing him begin to drift off and letting him be seeing Rick.p

"Did he fall asleep?" he asked.

"Yes but he told me a few things." she told him going to get some alone time since Alf butted in on their alone time even though Melissa knew he just wanted to hang out with them.

"What did he tell you?" Rick asked.

"He s sad and misses the Tanners and Melmac but while we can't give him Melmac back, we can give him his Tanners back." she told him.

Rick sighed knowing how badly Alf wanted his Tanners realising that was why he was so tired.

he then saw Alf walk into the mess hall rubbing sleep from his eyes and was pouring himself coffee and being quiet which bothered them since he was normally full of beans.

"Sorry but just the nap only helped a little." he said yawning.

"I see but I think maybe you should take a break from duties since you've been busy." Melissa told him.

"I'm fine as I'm used to being tired." he said drinking.

Melissa sighed seeing him yawn but resting his head on the table making Rick feel bad for him because even though Alf pushed his buttons, he thought of him as a friend whose heart was in the right place.

"He'll be fine Mel." he assured her.

He then saw Melissa leave going to her office knowing what was on her mind seeing Alf wake up wondering where Melissa was.

"I don't know." he said seeing him get up going to his room and Rick had a fee,ing he was going to play video games or have a snack.


Alf sighed entering his room removing his hat placing it on the hook on the back of the door and was feeling beat which wax odd and was used to it and drinking soda or sugRy snacks helped going over to the laptop entering his password which wax Melmac, and wax on Facebook which Melissa knew about and had warned him to be careful.

He was writing on it and sighed feeling his hands shake while typing shutting down the laptop and was lying on his recliner turning on home movies feeling better and sleepy and fighting it because when he slept, he had bad dreams like the first night after Miloff had gotten fired.

"I miss ya guys." he said yawning but passed out soothed by the sounds of the home movies.

Rick smirked entering and saw him out like a light realising it had been the home movies that had helped.

He knew seeing the Tanners would make him feel better.

It was who Nelissa was talking to on the phone waiting for the Melmacian male to wake up.

Alf wondered what Rick was doing here but stunnec that his heart's desire might be coming true.

"Don't toy with my emotions!" he said.

"I know and I'm not." he said.

He saw him running a hot bath since it would help.

Rick smirked knowing that was a good idea.

"Go relax okay?" he said.

He then went to see Me,Issa seeing Willie there but Me,Issa had been telling him what had been going on.

"He'x taming a bath." Rick said making Melissa smile.

"He's gonna be happy seeing Willie." she told him.


After drying himself off with a hairdryer, Alf was feeling better wondering what was going on with Melissa and Rick deciding to go to Melissa's office and was stunned seeing Willie bear hugging him and feelings were rising to the surface, since thinking of this moment had helped him survive when keeping his snout to the grindstone but now it wasn't a dream but real, making Melissa understand and knew what Alf wax thinking.

"If I did go, I'm still Ambassfor right?

The Government won't coe after us again? He asked.

"Yex you'd still be Ambassdor and the Government will leave you alone." she replied.

"Then I"m going home." he said smilig a little which made Rick understand.

"Wait which home?" Willie asked.

"You guys silly!

Do you realise how much I missed you guys?" he said making them chuckle seeing them leave but Melissa needed to talk to Willie ad the Melmacin male was packing, going to his room.

Rocket was stunned hearing he wax leaving understanding and knew he was happy but heard him yawn since he'd been up for a long while.

"Yeah I'm going but I've missed my Tanners." he said putting his backpack on but wearing Orbit Guard tags since his Ambassfor out fit wax in the backpack along with his most precious items leaving seeing Willie leave Melissa's office.

"Ready?" Willie asked.

"Yeah just a second." he replied going into the office.

Willie could hear him but smirked because he was being his charming self and knew things were going to be fun.

"Now I'm ready!" he said as they left.

The Melmacian male felt free seeing the blue skies since he hadn"t been out but knew he would fix that getting into the car.

Things were looking up
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